Old Caddy's Conundrums Videos
These are videos from Caddy's Conundrums that were privated when the channel was being revamped into Caddy Plays in 2019. I was only able to find three of the first 9 Drive Thru Reviews episodes that were posted on the channel.
Drive Thru Reviews:
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2-20-14)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines (2-27-14)
- Tomb Raider (3-7-14)
- Thief (3-20-14)
- Yoshi's New Island (4-30-14. For some reason, this one got archived in a VR format.)
- Sleeping Dogs (5-22-14)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (5-29-14)
- Little Big Planet 3 (absolutely no wayback machine captures. Couldn't get a date for this one.)
- Resident Evil: HD Remaster (lost)
Drumming Videos (why on earth he'd get rid of these, I don't know):
- Yungtown's ending rap from Hook (originally uploaded to the main channel on January 2nd 2013, uploaded to Conundrums on October 9th, 2013)
- Smooth McGroove's Tetris 'Theme A' Cover (4-12-14)
- Andy's Neighborhood Toy Story 2 PS1 (9-3-14)
And here's an outtake reel from the Tweenies video where brutalmoose is having trouble recording his cameo lines.