Greetings and salutations, fellow lumpies and germs of all eras, and welcome to The Brickhouse! This is an independently-run Caddicarus fansite that aims to bring together fans of our favorite deranged Monty Python PlayStation man. This website is a hub for Caddicarus history, archives, and of course, my own opinions.


Latest Caddicarus happenings...

All dates on this site are in MM/DD/YY format.

  • 9.8.24 - Caddy, alongside many other amazing internet personalities, starred in LS Mark's cartoon "Catching Up!"

  • 8.12.24 - Update on the hoodie: guess who caved and bought the damn thing. *shamefully points at self*

  • 8.11.24 - The Inhuman World of Completing Crash Bash 200% has finally been released. Are you going to buy the 80 dollar Caddy Sleeps plushie/hoodie? I would love to get it but that's a bit much.

  • 5.3.24 - The Caddicarus Show has finally returned for 2024 with a banger 2 hour video about the EyeToy! Some new merch has also dropped - I've already snagged the goblin Caddy sticker.

  • 3.31.24 - The runtime for the EyeToy video was revealed to be 2 hours and 15 minutes - only 9 minutes shorter than the Spyro video!!

  • 3.7.24 - Caddy reactivated his social medias to tell everyone the next video is in production. The video in question? Eyetoy games.

  • 3.6.24 - Caddy guest starred in another Loud Equals Funny episode, this one focusing on music.

  • 2.2.24 - The UpIsNotJump video on Lethal Company featuring Caddicarus was released.

  • 1.26.24 - Caddy gets his first sleeve tattoo: Trico from The Last Guardian! Fun fact - The Last Guardian was the focus of the first episode of The Caddy Show, which premiered 7 years ago this month.

  • 1.10.24 - The first stream of 2024 was Metroid Prime Remastered. This was also the first YouTube/Twitch dual stream.

  • 12.30.23 - Caddy Sleeps was started!

This month in Caddicarus history...

March 2013…Hidden Block was founded on the 2nd and coincided with the release of “The Block that Came Out of Hiding”, which announced the launch of the website. The Metal Gear Solid retrospective was released throughout the month.

March 2014THE WORST GAME EVER MADE – which covered Dalmatians 3 – released on March 2nd. This was the first episode to cover Phoenix Games, and it was famously the first Caddicarus episode to reach one million views.

March 2015…The episodes on Chicken Run, Rascal, and Top 10 Things In Video Games that Scared Me as a Kid released on March 1st, 15th, and 29th respectively. The channel’s very first sponsored video – the Tinker Time talking about the PlayStation store – was released on March 16th.

March 2016…The episodes Top 10 Most Disappointing Games, Stuart Little 2, Peter Pan (ft. I Hate Everything), and Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase (the video game) released on March 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th respectively.

March 2017…Cerys broke her ankle early in the month, which extended a one-week break to a two-week break. The episodes on Peppa Pig and Simpsons Wrestling premiered on the 19th and the 26th. The Peppa Pig episode in particular was the second ever Caddicarus episode to reach one million views.

March 2018…The second Nursery Rhymes two-parter was released on March 4th and 25th.

March 2019…The episodes on Metro Exodus, PlayStation VR, and the Klonoa re-do premiered on March 2nd, 16th, and 24th respectively. On the 5th, he released his now-privated video discussing the Momo controversy. On the 9th, he posted his last ever drum cover under the Caddy banner, which is also now privated.

March 2020The Weird World of PlayStation Magazines and The Horrifying World of PS1 Games for Babies were released on March 5th and 22nd.

March 2021I’m Sorry released on the 24th.

March 2022…nothing really happened!

March 2023…Caddy returned to streaming on March 1st, finishing off his Klonoa 2 playthrough he started in August. The March 1st stream saw the soft launch of the current logo during the pre-stream. On March 26th, the Completionist Legacy show with Caddicarus happened in Boston.

March 2024…Caddy guest starred on the Hyperfixations: Music episode of Loud Equals Funny.