This is an archive for the "This Month In Caddicarus History" section on the homepage. Not all the months are done yet - I started this back in July. When all the months are done, I'll compile them into a section for an exhaustive Caddicarus timeline. Months in pink are very notable months in Caddicarus history that changed the course of how the channel operated from that point on.
Please note that I will not be able to recall super specific details from 2012 to July 2014 - because I wasn't watching yet. I gathered broad info from that period just from looking back at the channel's history - I didn't firsthand experience it. I may also miss some very small things from March 2019 to August 2022, although I'd say I was able to catch up with the channel pretty well when I returned in September 2022.
January 2013…On the 8th, the now-privated 10,000 subscribers video was uploaded. Season 2 began with Top 10 Most Depressing Games on the 13th and The Simpsons Skateboarding on the 27th. Finally on the 31st, Jim and Rosie found out something suggestive about their Wiimote.
January 2014…On January 5th, the Caddy’s Retrospectives series on Oddworld began and aired throughout the month.
January 2015…The first video of the year was a Current Quickies on the top 10 games of 2014, in which the London Cockney host’s name is officially revealed to be Quick J. Hoarsethroat. The Sly Cooper retrospective began on January 18th.
January 2016…Season 5 – and the golden age of Caddicarus as a whole - finished off with Blossom Blast and Top 10 Glitches in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 on January 17th and 31st respectively. Tinker Time aired its final episode on January 24th, which focused on Kero Blaster. As for The Puppicarus Show, it ended after four episodes on January 23rd, after many fans complained about its quality.
January 2017…Caddy moved to the now-iconic current house. To clean up his channel for 2017, he cancelled Current Quickies as he was getting tired of its formulaic nature. This show would be replaced by The Caddy Show, which operated as a show for not only modern game reviews, but also drum covers, rants and discussions, shitposts, and more. As for The Caddicarus Show, all Top 10 videos (except for the Top 20 on E3 2014) were officially consolidated into the series playlist, and the Hidden Block announcement and Mr. YouTube videos were removed from it, making The Creepy Doll the 100th episode and Bubsy 3D no longer the 50th episode. Season 8 began with Ape Escape and The Tweenies on the 22nd and 29th respectively.
January 2018…The Caddicarus Show was officially split into seasons, with compilations of the first 9 being uploaded throughout the month. Season 10 began with SpongeBob SquareBob SuperBob on January 28th.
January 2019…The Caddy Show’s final review episodes on Kingdom Hearts aired to start out the year. Season 12 began with The PlayStation Classic on January 19th - which was the debut of the goblin shirtless Caddy character that would appear at the beginning of every year afterward - and the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale episode – a collab with Scott the Woz – aired on the 26th.
January 2020…Caddy attended Magfest 2020, which was originally intended to be his final convention appearance before quitting YouTube due to his channel plummeting. On January 28th, he posted a mainline Caddicarus episode exploring some of the worst games on the PS4 store – a departure from the formulas and serious reviews that persisted (or plagued, based on your viewpoint) in the most recent seasons of the series. This video was meant to be the final mainline Caddicarus episode, and it would serve as a thanks to the fans for watching. Suddenly, views and engagement for the channel skyrocketed. With this rejuvenation and regaining of people’s interest in the channel, the iconic, bombastic powerhouse that is known as The Caddicarus Show’s reboot was born.
January 2021…The PC building saga began on Caddy’s twitter.
January 2022…Caddy stars on The Alizee Yeezy Show. After the filming of the episode, he came down with a nasty case of hives.
January 2023…Caddy went to Magfest early in the month and hung out at the washy monny
January 2024…Caddy got his sleeve tattoo of Trico from The Last Guardian on January 26th!
February 2013…The episodes Tomb Raider and Top 10 Badasses in Video Games premiered on the 14th and 24th respectively.
February 2014…The first Caddicarus episode of 2014 was Top 10 People in Games that Probably Stink, which debuted on the 2nd. The Great Escape premiered on the 16th.
February 2015…The Sly Cooper Retrospective finished on the 1st. The Season 5 premiere and the first Caddicarus episode of 2015 – Crash Team F***ing Racing – debuted on the 15th. This episode saw the removal of the Caddicarus logos on the sides of the screen whenever gameplay was being shown. Drive Thru Reviews made its main channel debut on February 18th.
February 2016…The Caddicarus channel’s very first major retool occurred. After months of fans being confused about the multitude of side-shows causing Caddy to lose focus on The Caddicarus Show, as well as the Puppicarus incident bringing a great deal of negativity to the community, Caddy decided to rebrand. On February 10th, he uploaded an update video detailing what was happening with the channel – Caddy’s Retrospectives, Tinker Time, Drive Thru Reviews, and every other side show was cancelled. Beginning with the Season 6 premiere, and what used to be the 50th episode – Bubsy 3D – on the 14th, Caddicarus would air every single Sunday, bringing the focus back to the show that everyone subscribed for. Current Quickies would become a weekly series, airing on Wednesdays, and Caddy’s Film Fridays was introduced on February 19th. This rebrand also saw the (official) debut of Endigo’s Caddicarus 8-bit theme, after it was used on The Puppicarus Show. The VIP episode – a collab with Scarfulhu – and Star Wars Rebel Assault 2 aired on February 21st and 28th respectively.
February 2017…Top 10 BAD Boss Battles, released on the 5th, was the first Top 10 video to be billed as a Caddicarus episode and was the first under the “ten list” format, in which the entries were not discussed in any particular order. The Lion King PS1 and the first Classic Nursery Rhymes two-parter were released on February 12th, 19th, and 26th respectively. The last film review under the Caddy’s Film Fridays banner was Trainspotting 2, which was released on the 24th.
February 2018…The episodes on Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, Rayman 2, and George of the Jungle released on the 4th, 11th, and 25th. The latter episode saw Nathaniel Foga - a prominent YouTube commenter along the likes of Justin Y and Mr. Friendship - get promoted to a celebrity status within the Caddicarus fandom.
February 2019…The episodes Resident Evil 2 Remake, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Top 10 WORST US PlayStation Box Arts were released on the 3rd, 17th, and 23rd respectively. The Kingdom Hearts 3 episode in particular was notable for being the longest Caddicarus episode at the time upon release.
February 2020…The Wonderful World of PS1 Demo Discs was released on the 19th.
February 2021…The PC saga continues on social media.
February 2022…Caddy got the iconic undercut + ponytail/manbun, and as of 2024 it is the longest time he has kept to one hairstyle.
February 2023…The emptiest February this decade so far, apart from Caddy uploading the now-unlisted 2020 compilation video.
February 2024…On February 2nd, the UpIsNotJump video on Lethal Company featuring Caddicarus was released.
March 2013…Hidden Block was founded on the 2nd and coincided with the release of “The Block that Came Out of Hiding”, which announced the launch of the website. The Metal Gear Solid retrospective was released throughout the month.
March 2014…THE WORST GAME EVER MADE – which covered Dalmatians 3 – released on March 2nd. This was the first episode to cover Phoenix Games, and it was famously the first Caddicarus episode to reach one million views.
March 2015…The episodes on Chicken Run, Rascal, and Top 10 Things In Video Games that Scared Me as a Kid released on March 1st, 15th, and 29th respectively. The channel’s very first sponsored video – the Tinker Time talking about the PlayStation store – was released on March 16th.
March 2016…The episodes Top 10 Most Disappointing Games, Stuart Little 2, Peter Pan (ft. I Hate Everything), and Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase (the video game) released on March 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th respectively.
March 2017…Cerys broke her ankle early in the month, which extended a one-week break to a two-week break. The episodes on Peppa Pig and Simpsons Wrestling premiered on the 19th and the 26th. The Peppa Pig episode in particular was the second ever Caddicarus episode to reach one million views.
March 2018…The second Nursery Rhymes two-parter was released on March 4th and 25th.
March 2019…The episodes on Metro Exodus, PlayStation VR, and the Klonoa re-do premiered on March 2nd, 16th, and 24th respectively. On the 5th, he released his now-privated video discussing the Momo controversy. On the 9th, he posted his last ever drum cover under the Caddy banner, which is also now privated.
March 2020…The Weird World of PlayStation Magazines and The Horrifying World of PS1 Games for Babies were released on March 5th and 22nd.
March 2021…I’m Sorry released on the 24th.
March 2022…nothing really happened!
March 2023…Caddy returned to streaming on March 1st, finishing off his Klonoa 2 playthrough he started in August. The March 1st stream saw the soft launch of the current logo during the pre-stream. On March 26th, the Completionist Legacy show with Caddicarus happened in Boston.
March 2024…Caddy guest starred on the Hyperfixations: Music episode of Loud Equals Funny.
April 2013…Destruction Derby Deux premiered on April 7th.
April 2014…My Top 10 Games That I Don’t Like…But Everyone Else Does! premiered on April 27th.
April 2015…Tips for Starting Out in Bloodborne, Nightmare Creatures, and PlayStation Cheats premiered on April 5th, 12th, and 26th respectively.
April 2016…On April Fools’ Day, fans were given the 2-minute gag episode Sonic the Fighters, which many American fans were greeted with first thing in the morning. After a break, the show returned with Scooby-Doo and the Spindly Johnny on the 24th.
April 2017…Toy Story Racers, Sabrina the Teenage B*TCH, and Pappy Rappy premiered on April 2nd, 9th, and 30th respectively.
April 2018…As April Fools’ Day fell on a Sunday, Caddy took this opportunity to do the much-too-overdone “I’m quitting” joke with his video “the last episode ever,” in which he read an email that lambasted his 2013 Tomb Raider review. A misspelling in the email led to the creation of the “Breats” in-joke. Through the rest of the month, Bug’s Life the Dragon, Spyro Orange: The SHIT Game Conspiracy, 10 MORE UNPOPULAR GAMING OPINIONS, and Aladdin: Jaffa Cake’s Sister is Pissed Off premiered on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th respectively. The gaming opinions episode was particularly infamous for revealing a completely bald Caddicarus for the first time ever…and I mean a clean bald head, no hair to be found. You can probably imagine how terrifying this was for some of us.
April 2019…PEPSIMAN!, Breakout PS1 ft. RECTANGLES WITH EYES, and Yoshi’s TEDIOUS World premiered on April 6th, 14th, and 22nd respectively.
April 2020…The Dreadful World of My First 24 Videos released on April 13th. This video marked the beginning of the 2020 Bricks arc.
April 2021…The Horrible World of Kinect Games released on April 11th. This video introduced LittleMissChii’s branding and intro, which was used for two years.
April 2022…nothing really happened, unless you wanna count Caddy getting covid.
April 2023…Caddy and Cerys were engaged on April 10th, and 14 days later on the 24th, Caddy announced he had legally changed his name to Jim Lazarus Caddick, one of the most badass names in the game reviewer scene.
May 2012…on the 9th, the original Caddicarus Show premiered with the Rascal Racers episode, which served as a rejected “audition tape” for NormalBoots.
May 2013…The Worst Thing Ever – which covered Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot Recipe – premiered on May 5th in celebration of reaching 50,000 subscribers. On May 16th, The Grinch Doesn’t Know Where Things Are premiered.
May 2014…The Season 3 finale and 200,000 subscriber special Bratz Rock Angelz (formerly known as Bratz: The Splatty Ratz That Are Gnatz Covered in Shatz) premiered on May 11th. This episode was notable for featuring the first appearance of the Mackay family in The Caddicarus Show. The Max Payne Retrospective began on May 24th.
May 2015…The Gex retrospective began on May 24th.
May 2016…The episodes Irritating Stick, Top 10 Dark Souls III Bosses, WipEout 2097, Resident Evil Survivor, and Rosco McQueen premiered on May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th respectively.
May 2017…Assassin’s Creed 2, Top 10 Traumatic Kids TV Moments, Rugrats Search for Reptar, and WHAT THE F*** IS THIS GAME? (aka Shadowman) premiered on May 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th respectively. On May 19th, Caddy's Film Fridays returned under the new Cinemaggots title and format. On the 24th, he released an adorable thank-you video where he plays a couple songs on the guitar.
May 2018…Muppet RaceMania and Harry Potter PS1 premiered on May 6th and 13th respectively. Cinemaggots concluded on May 2nd with Kids Explain “The Phantom Menace”.
May 2019…This was one of the more taxing and puzzling months in Caddicarus history, so buckle up. On May 6th, Caddy released an update video that talked about new Patreon tiers, using social media more often, experimental Caddicarus episodes, and the introduction of a new film review series. A sponsored video for PUBG Mobile released the day after the update video to mixed reactions from the audience. As for the film review series, only one episode was released, which covered Detective Pikachu. The video was less than a minute long, quickly thrown together in iMovie, and was taken down after a few days. It is now considered lost media. The channel in general suffered a whole bunch in May 2019, only gaining 300 subscribers. There was a stressful transition to another ad network that rendered all the videos demonetized for a while. As for the Caddicarus episodes that were released this month, Team Sonic Racing DESTROYS Friendships, A Banned PS1 Game, and Borderlands 3 Made Me Wee released on May 11th, 23rd, and 30th respectively.
May 2020…The Comical World of the 287 WORST Game Reviews Ever released on May 3rd.
May 2021…nothing really happened!
May 2022…The Useless World of PS1 Accessories premiered on May 9th, the 10th anniversary of the original Caddicarus Show. The episode would go on to become the most viewed Caddicarus video in history, currently sitting at over 6 million views. It was also the first Caddicarus video in general to hit 6 million views.
May 2023…The Insane World of Video Game Commercials premiered on May 2nd. This month also saw the establishment of Caddy’s TikTok, where he began posting shorts edited by SydStatic.
June 2012…Crash’m Bash’m premiered on June 25th.
June 2013…Parts 1 and 2 of My Top 20 Favourite PS1 Games of All Time! released on June 2nd and 9th, and the episode on South Park premiered on June 23rd. Tinker Time debuted on June 16th with the review of Luigi’s Mansion 2.
June 2014…The Max Payne retrospective continued on June 1st and 15th. The third part in particular was significant for featuring the debut of Caddy’s buzzcut. Originally meant to be a one-off gag, Caddy actually enjoyed the hairstyle and he kept it until late 2015 when he got his mohawk.
June 2015…The Gex retrospective continued through this month, with Caddy producing episodes for DYKG’s Easter Egg Hunting in-between. Near his 21st birthday, he got his Oddworld hand tattoos, which were first seen in a birthday vine which is unfortunately now lost to time. You have to had been a big Caddicarus fan at the time to get my obscure “BACON SANDWICHES IN THE BATHROOM” references. A couple days after his birthday, he uploaded an update video which is also now lost to time where he announced that he was moving in with Cerys and the kids. He discussed the possibility of starting a Friday series, with ideas ranging from interviewing the kids to doing movie reviews (proof here. Video is lost unfortunately).
June 2016…Parts 1 and 2 My Top 20 PS2 Games were uploaded on June 5th and 12th. CRINGING AT MY FIRST VIDEO was uploaded on June 19th in celebration of Caddy’s 22nd birthday. On the early hours of that day in Caddy’s time zone, he reached 500,000 subscibers as a result of a strange side-wide increase in sub rates through the past week. The channel was still at 500k when the subscriber special and season 6 finale 66 Net Yaroze Games was released on the 26th, but two days later, an infamous YouTube sub purge occurred, bringing the channel back down below 500k. It took until September for the channel to reach the milestone again.
June 2017…Spider-Man PS1 premiered on June 4th, which saw the brief return of Caddy’s shaggy long hair. Top 10 BAD Beginnings in Games and Crash Bandicoot: THE WRATH OF CORTEX premiered on June 11th and 18th.
June 2018…The first Bandicoot Month began on June 3rd with My History With Crash Bandicoot. 10 Hardest Crash Levels, Crash Bandicoot’s Awful Cartoon, and 10 Great Bandicoot Bosses (ft. AntDude) premiered on June 10th, 17th, and 24th respectively.
June 2019…For the second Bandicoot Month, Crash Bandicoot Butts: A Tier List, Crash Twinsanity, and Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled premiered on June 10th, 19th, and 27th respectively.
June 2020…The Cruel World of Getting ALL 202 Platinum Relics in Crash Bandicoot premiered on June 19th. This was the last ever Bandicoot Month episode to actually premiere in June. This was also the month where Caddy was famously outed as an apparent American traitor by professional chud One Angry Gamer.
June 2021…While fans were waiting for the Bandicoot Month video to release, Caddy began his particularly infamous stream series of Crash Bash.
June 2022…Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex was streamed this month for Bandicoot Month. The proper Bandicoot Month video was meant to be uploaded at the end of the month, but was once again delayed to July due to Caddy grating his knuckle off with a cheese grater. Never change, Lazarus.
June 2023…Throughout the month, Caddy streamed the Crash Bandicoot GBA games. Little Jim saw his debut on a late birthday stream.
July 2012...Caddy bought the camera he would use in his videos up until Season 13 in 2019. On the 28th of that month, the fourth episode of the original Caddicarus Show Fade to Black, would debut, which began the Slaughter or Salvage gimmick that would go on until Season 10 in 2018.
July 2013...The Caddy in the USA Tinker Time was posted, which documented Caddy's road trip to the home city of your webmaster...Memphis!
July 2014...Caddy travelled to Dallas and banded together with Hidden Block to do their first panel during SGC 2014! The first episode of Season 4, Putty Squad, was released.
July 2015...BALLZ 3D, the collab episode with Yungtown, was released on the 12th to mixed responses from fans. This episode marked the debut of Puppicarus. The 26th marked the release of That Cheesy Bastard, the episode on Cheesy which set up the iconic episode on Snow White and the Seven Clever Boys that would debut in August.
July 2016...On the 3rd, the Season 7 premiere episode on Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly released. On the 10th, R/C Stunt Copter debuted, which was the first episode to feature the logo by Jan Animations that would be used until 2023. On the 17th, the episode on Cool Boarders 3 released, which was the only Caddicarus episode to not have a proper ending with the subscribe jingle and end slate..
July 2017...Season 9 started with the SomeCallMeJohnny collab on the N.Sane Trilogy. The episodes on LocoRoco, Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure, and Toy Story 2 PS1 followed. Bandicoot Month was properly announced at the end of the Caddy episode on Stormy Ascent.
July 2018...Season 10 closed off with the episodes on Dave Mirra BMX and Rugrats Studio Tour on July 8th and 15th. These were the final episodes that used the Slaughter or Salvage format.
July 2019...The Season 12 finale on Glover PS1 was released on July 13th.
July 2020...The Depressing World of Bad Crash Bandicoot Games was released on July 5th.
July 2021...The Stupid World of Portable Crash Bandicoot Games was released on July 1st.
July 2022...The Illegal World of Illegal Crash Bandicoot Bootlegs was released on July 3rd.
July 2023…The Ripoff World of Crash Bandicoot Merchandise was released on July 15th.
August 2012...The fifth Caddicarus episode, Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Phil Collins, was posted on August 6th. It was the first episode to feature Caddy's sister Rosie Caddick/Professor Juice, who voiced the travel agent on the phone.
August 2013...The Caddicarus channel reached 100,000 subscribers, and the special episode - Season 2 finale The 100,000th Element - premiered on August 4th. The second channel - then called Caddy's Conundrums - was established on August 24th.
August 2014...The Zoo Race episode with Brutalmoose released on the 3rd, and the episodes on No One Can Stop Mr. Domino and P.T. followed. In the later half of the month, the channel experienced a surge in subscribers due to the Easter Egg Hunting videos Caddy began making on DidYouKnowGaming's channel. This was also the month your webmaster became a fan...I hit 9 years on August 21st!
August 2015...Stanley was born on the 1st, and would be welcomed into the Caddick-Mackay household some weeks later. The highly-anticipated episode on Snow White and the Seven Clever Boys released on the 9th. On the 23rd, Top 10 Badass Caves in Video Games was the last episode to be recorded in the flat before Caddy moved in with Cerys and the kids.
August 2016...The Crash Bandicoot retrospective re-do in the style of The Caddicarus Show began on August 14th and ran through the 28th. Caddicarus merchandise began to release on The Pixel Empire for the first time.
August 2017...The Caddicarus episodes on Parappa the Rapper 2 and Phoenix Games' Pinocchio released on August 6th and 13th respectively.
August 2018...On the 1st, Jim posted the update video that announced the retirement of the Slaughter or Salvage gimmick, as well as the end of the use of the greetings and salutations intro and happy freakin' birthday to you outro. On the 4th, Season 11 began with Theme Park World and it was the first episode to feature JetpackBraggin's thumbnail art and the SEO descriptions by Josh Kotoff. The episode on Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back released, along with the first episodes on magazines - namely the 110% Gaming and Peppa Pig magazines. These subtle changes in the formula put the original Caddicarus Show on a very experimental path for the rest of its life, until it was eventually rebooted in 2020 into the long-form insanity we know and love today.
August 2019...The infamous now-unlisted rant series began with the two videos on CTR Nitro Fueled microtransactions, which ironically gained more traction than the traditional Caddicarus episodes being produced at the time. Season 13 premiered on the 29th with the episode on the Thomas PS1 game - this was the first Caddicarus episode to be filmed at 60 frames per second, and was filmed with the first new camera since 2012. Not only was it also the first Caddicarus episode to feature an entertaining sponsor segment in the middle of the video, but it was also filmed at a totally new angle in the living room - the spot which would one day become iconic. The brick wall would not come until September, but Season 13 would begin the groundwork for what would eventually become The Caddicarus Show's reboot.
August 2020...The Pitiful World of Pixar Games was released on the 1st, and The Painful World of Lego Games was released on the 26th.
August 2021...The Demonic World of Disney PS1 Games was released on August 13th initially, and re-released on August 14th.
August 2022...On August 22nd, the Caddicarus channel finally surpassed one million subscribers, after years of experimentation, stagnation, and reboot after reboot. 9 days later on August 31st, The Exhausting World of Making a Caddicarus Video was released.
August 2023…On August 9th, Caddy enjoyed the view of his balcony at his vacation getaway. Later that month, he set out on his two-week USA tour with The Completionist.
September 2011...The Caddicarus channel was established on September 10th.
September 2012...The episodes on Totally Angelica, Lego Racers, and Slender were released. This was also around the time when The Completionist promoted Caddy's channel, bringing a major wave of subcribers to the channel.
September 2013...Season 3 began with My Top 10 Games That I Like...But No-One Else Does! on the 15th. Later on the 29th, the first collab episode premiered, which was Broken Sword 2 with Scarfulhu.
September 2014...My Top 20 PS1 Soundtracks was released. On the 28th, the now-lost single episode of Hands On Preview premiered. It was an exclusive look at Alien Isolation, and it was the only exclusive interview-type videos I wasn’t able to find.
September 2015...Caddy moved in with Cerys and the kids during this month. Stanley was also adopted into the family. Caddy recieved his infamous mohawk haircut on September 20th, and on the 27th, My Dream PS All Stars Roster was released.
September 2016...The episodes on Rayman, Miracle Space Race, Top 10 Unpopular Gaming Opinions, and Hercules PS1 were released. On September 7th and 28th, the two Mr. YouTube skits were released in response to the new rules on demonetization and the YouTube Heroes program. They were originally billed as Caddicarus episodes at first but later changed to be Caddy episodes.
September 2017...The Caddicarus episodes on Tarzan PS1, Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time, Ridge Racer, and Doom PS1 were released. The Caddy Show had its branding removed from the video thumbnails and titles.
September 2018...The two-part Mega Man series, the Spider-Man PS4 episode, and the episode on Animal Soccer World were released. The Mega Man series in particular experienced delays for both parts, as both videos were getting longer and tedious to produce during production.
September 2019...GARBAGE GAMING OPINIONS and Peppa Pig HAS A MUSIC CAREER were released. The former episode introduced the brick wall background that would go on to become iconic in the 2020s reboot.
September 2020...The Caddicarus YouTooz was released.
September 2021...The Forbidden World of BANNED Games was released on September 10th, the 10th anniversary of the Caddicarus channel's establishment.
September 2022...On the 2nd, yours truly returned to the Caddicarus community after a 3 and a half years hiatus. This was also when the videos for the Collectible World of Caddicarus were supposedly produced, and when the Spyro video began early production.
September 2023…Caddy’s US tour continued, with the Completionist Legacy show in Seattle happening on September 1st. Later that month on the 24th, a Completionist Legacy show in London happened. This would be the last collaboration between The Completionist and Caddy before the former’s major controversy happened.
October 2012…on October 14th, the first and only episode of Today’s Special premiered, which was an episode on Resident Evil 6. On the 31st, the very first Caddicarus Halloween special premiered, which was on Evil Dead PS1.
October 2013…on October 12th, Jaws Unleashed premiered, which was a collab with The Completionist. Later on the 27th, 2013’s Halloween special – My Top 10 Scariest Songs in Video Games – premiered. This was also the month Caddy and Cerys officially started dating!
October 2014… The episode on Donald Duck Quack Attack also premiered, in which we were introduced to Cerys’ terrifying Donald Duck impression. The Halloween special didn’t premiere in October this year…
October 2015…The Month of Terrraaarr (arr) was officially established, kicking off with My Top 10 Games That Got Under My Skin on October 11th. On October 18th and 25th, the two-part Halloween special on Casper: A Spirited Beginning premiered. This was the first time The Caddicarus Show covered a movie.
October 2016…this was the busiest Month of Terrraarr yet, with every side-show now getting in on the action. Caddicarus episodes this month were Abe’s Oddysee on the 2nd, My Top Scariest Moments in Non-Horror Games on the 9th, Spice World on the 16th, MediEvil on the 23rd, and My Top 10 Horror Games on the 30th.
October 2017…Abe’s Exoddus premiered on the 1st, and on the 8th, a Caddy review on Cuphead premiered instead of a Caddicarus episode. On the 4th, the now-unlisted Lorne Lanning EGX interview/vlog was uploaded. After the first Month of Terrraaarr installment – Knack 2 on the 15th – a 2-week break occurred mid-month, resulting in the proper Halloween special being pushed to November.
October 2018…the first post-Slaughter or Salvage Month of Terrraaarr occurred, kicking off with an episode about Bowsette of all things on the 6th. Mega Man 11 and Resident Evil premiered on October 13th and 27th respectively.
October 2019…was sadly the last Month of Terrraaarrr. Caddicarus episodes this month were Pushing the Switch Lite to Breaking Point on the 9th, Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Door on the 19th, and MediEvil PS4 on the 25th.
October 2020…The Awful World of Skateboarding Games premiered on the 1st. On the 3rd we were graced with the YouTooz Caddy theme song.
October 2021…The infamous and controversial pre-2020 content purge occurred on October 24th. This purge saw the privatization of the entire Caddy’s Film Fridays/Cinemaggots series, every pre-2020 update video, channel trailers, various rants and discussions (including the entirety of the 2019 rant series), the USA Tinker Time episode, and various sponsored videos. This was also when [OLD] was added to the titles of every pre-2020 video that was able to avoid privatization. Most of the privated videos were unlisted in September 2022, but not every one – a few of these videos are lost for good.
October 2022…Nothing happened other than “The Greatest Hatemail I’ve Ever Received” being unveiled on October 21st.
October 2023…The Scary World of Viral YouTube Horror Games was released on October 31st.
November 2012…My Top 10 Moments in Video Gaming I Couldn’t Take Seriously! released on November 12th. On November 19th, Caddy’s Retrospectives debuted with Crash Bandicoot being the first series covered.
November 2013…3, 2, 1, Smurf debuted on November 10th. On the 14th, Caddy released an update video announcing that he would be taking a break due to the mental strain his work schedule was giving him. As a joke, Caddy put out the controversial Stanley Parable Tinker Time episode on the 30th.
November 2014…On November 2nd, the 2014 Halloween Special on Resident Evil 0 premiered, which was a collab with Jordan Underneath. The Vib-Ribbon episode premiered on the 16th, and the LSD Dream Emulator episode premiered on the 30th.
November 2015…While there were no Caddicarus episodes this month, the Uncharted retrospective began on November 8th in dedication to Cerys for her birthday. With the increasing number of Drive Thru Reviews and Easter Egg Hunting videos for the DidYouKnowGaming channel, fans were becoming divided over the loss of focus on The Caddicarus Show.
November 2016…On November 2nd, Caddy posted an update video talking about how he would be moving to a new town, and he announced the Cadvent Calendar. After The Creepy Doll capped off Season 7 on the 6th, no videos would release for the rest of the month so Caddy could focus on moving and producing Cadvent Calendar.
November 2017…The Halloween special on Condemned: Criminal Origins premiered on November 5th. Sonic Heroes, REVIEWING MY OLD COMICS, and Croc 2: The Flawed Strikes Back premiered on November 12th, 19th, and 26th respectively.
November 2018…The episodes on Red Dead Redemption 2 and Top 10 WORST Things in Spyro Reignited Trilogy premiered on November 10th and 21st respectively. On November 27th, Caddy posted an update video talking about the release of the Badvent Calendar and the cancellation of Cinemaggots. He also talked about how in 2019, he would gradually begin phasing out the 2-videos-a-week schedule due to wanting to put more focus back into The Caddicarus Show.
November 2019…The episodes on Luigi’s Mansion 3, Top 10 Saddest Sads, and Death Stranding premiered on November 10th, 17th, and 23rd respectively.
November 2020…The Miserable World of Completing Crash Bandicoot 4 premiered on November 27th.
November 2021…nothing really happened!
November 2022…It was announced on the 9th that the Spyro video had begun filming. On the 25th, The Collectible World of Caddicarus was released, which was the first time anything related to Caddicarus was released on physical media. This box set was particularly infamous for how Pixel Empire handled the shipping, but overall the contents in the box and the Blu-Ray were acclaimed by fans.
November 2023…nothing much happened in the Caddicarus world, but The Completionist got exposed for charity fraud just mere weeks after his last collaboration with Caddy, which made things very, very awkward for a while.
December 2012…Current Quickies debuted on December 9th with a review on PS All Stars. Season 1 of The Caddicarus Show finished off with the episodes on Klonoa and Santa Claus Saves the Earth, the latter of which was the first Christmas special.
December 2013…Season 3 of The Caddicarus Show finishes off with Top 10 Favourite LittleBigPlanet Community Levels and The Grinch PS1.
December 2014…Season 4 ends with Top 10 Snow Levels.
December 2015…The controversial Puppicarus series premiered on December 18th, and Season 5 of Caddicarus ended with the Christmas special on Legoland.
December 2016…The Cadvent Calendar was released throughout the month, with one video every day counting down his top 25 favorite games of all time. On the 11th, Caddy posted on Twitter that he would now be going by Jim.
December 2017…Season 7 went out with several tangentially Christmas-related videos on Die Hard Trilogy, Silent Hill, Mega Man 8, and the Peppa Pig DS game.
December 2018…The Badvent Calendar served as a sequel to the Cadvent Calendar, except this time it was about his top 25 worst games of all time.
December 2019…The gloomiest month in Caddicarus history. The channel’s statistics were at an all-time low. Not only did The Caddy Show end with a video on State of Play, but the original Caddicarus Show itself ended with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
December 2020…The Expensive World of the PS5 Launch debuted on December 26th.
December 2021…The Unholy World of Jesus Games debuted on December 19th.
December 2022…The long-awaited 1 million subscriber special, The Legendary World of Spyro Games was released on the 23rd.
December 2023…The Spons plush was announced on December 8th with the release of the video “kite.”, later renamed to “I did it. Seriously”. Caddy Sleeps was established on December 30th